Social & Political
Explore the social and political landscape of Jammu and Kashmir through our curated collection of books. Delve into topics such as societal issues, governance, public policy, and political movements that have shaped the region. Our selection offers diverse perspectives and analyses on current affairs and historical events, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of social and political dynamics in Jammu and Kashmir. Whether you're a student, researcher, or curious reader, our Social & Political books offer valuable insights and thought-provoking discussions.
Silent Assertions: Women's Agency in Jammu and Kashmir Politics
Conflict and Wars, Militancy and Violence, Agitations and Demonstrations – Jammu and Kashmir has wit..
₹476.00 ₹595.00
1967 Kashmir Ka Parmeshwari Andolan
इस पुस्तक के लेखक आशीष कौल प्रबंधन विशेषज्ञ होने के कारण कई नामचीन और नए ब्रांड्स को देश-विदेश में त..
A State In Turbulence Jammu & Kashmir
The numerous problems of Jammu & Kashmir which remain unsolved include incomplete accession of t..
Battle for Hearts & Mind from North East to Kashmir and beyond
Good governance is the greatest act of patriotism in 21st-century India, says Maj Gen Dipak Mukherje..
₹340.00 ₹425.00
Beyond 370 : Jammu and Kashmir Spreads its Wings
Beyond 370: Jammu and Kashmir spreads its Wings' is a comprehensive book that delves into the change..
Dr. Ambedkar’s Vision of India and Jammu & Kashmir
This book aims to understand the vision of Dr. Bhimrao Ramji (Babasaheb) Ambedkar for India and whet..
Empowering Youth of Jammu and Kashmir
A knowledge-centered Jammu & Kashmir is one which values its traditional strengths, while levera..
₹476.00 ₹595.00
Hope in Despair: Stories of Courage in Kashmir
How can one establish peace and reconstruction process in Kashmir? The quiet and resolute efforts of..
₹360.00 ₹450.00
Identity Politics in Jammu And Kashmir
Highlighting the internal dimensions of conflict in Jammu and Kashmir, the book deals with overlappi..
₹556.00 ₹695.00
India-Pakistan Relations with Special Reference to Kashmir
The response to the first three volumes released two and a half years ago was so impressive that it ..
Jammu & Kashmir: Levels, Issues, and Prospects of Employment Generation
The book presents a comprehensive treatment of unemployment and economic problems in Jammu & Kas..
Jammu and Kashmir: Paradise on Earth Turned into Hell
The book describes the condition of Kashmir which is called the “heaven on earth” but has been turne..
Jammu Kashmir Ki Ankahi Kahani
जम्मू-कश्मीर के प्रमुख राजनीतिक दल प्रजा परिषद् ने पिछली शताब्दी के पाँचवें दशक में राज्य के विभिन्न..
Jammu-Kashmir Ka Vishmrit Adhyaya
जम्मू-कश्मीर में पिछले सात दशकों से जो राजनैतिक संघर्ष हुए, उनमें सबसे बड़ा संघर्ष राज्य को संघीय सा..
Jammu-Kashmir Sach to Yahi Hai
ये कहानियाँ इतिहास नहीं हैं, बावजूद इसके इन कहानियों को ऐतिहासिक दस्तावेज कहा जा सकता है, क्योंकि इन..
Jinnah Helped Hindus and Other Reflections
The cocktail of subjects touched upon in Jinnah helped Hindus and Other Reflections may surprise som..
₹360.00 ₹450.00
K FILE 'The Conspiracy of Silence': A brave book on Kashmir
The conflict in Jammu and Kashmir is one of the biggest internal security challenges for the Indian ..
₹396.00 ₹495.00
Kahani Jammu-Kashmir Ki (Hindi Translation of Kashmir Narratives: Myths Vs Realities of J&K)
कश्मीर-जम्मू और कश्मीर है' से 'मकबूल शेरवानी ने कश्मीर को बचाया', 'डोगराओं ने कश्मीरियों पर अत्याचार..
Kashmir 370 Ke Sath Aur Baad (Hindi Translation of Valley of Red Snow)
"5 अगस्त, 2019 को जम्मू और कश्मीर को विशेष दर्जा देनेवाले भारतीय संविधान के अनुच्छेद 370 को निरस्त क..
KASHMIR : Bharat-Pakistan Sambandhon ke Aaine Mein
"अगस्त-सितंबर 1965 में हुए भारत-पाकिस्तान युद्ध की मुख्य सीख यह थी कि प्रत्यक्ष रूप से दिखाई देनेवाल..
Kashmir Aur Hyderabad
‘लौह पुरुष’ के नाम से विख्यात सरदार पटेल को भारत के गृह मंत्री के रूप में अपने कार्यकाल के दौरान कश्..
Kashmir Ka Rista Ghav
भारत में मुसलमानों की दशा और दिशा का यह समाजशास्त्रीय अध्ययन है, जिसमें समुदाय के भीतर के शोषक और शो..
Kashmir Narratives: Myths vs Facts of Jammu and Kashmir
From “Kashmir is J&K” to “Maqbool Sherwani single-handedly saved Kashmir,” “Dogras committed atr..
Kashmir Nirantar Yuddh Ke Saye Mein
भारत-पाक संबंधों में कश्मीर एक ऐसा विषय है, जिसकी सभी चर्चा करते हैं और उसके समाधान के लिए सुझाव भी..
Kashmir Paheli: Samasya Aur Samadhan (Hindi Translation of The Kashmir Conundrum)
कश्मीर विषय को आधुनिक विश्व के सबसे लंबे चलनेवाले और सबसे कठिन संघर्षों में से एक माना गया है। भारत ..
Kashmir Problem and Its Solution
Kashmir Problem and Its Solution contributes greatly to our understanding of one of the most se..
Kashmir Samasya: Ek Vivechanatmak Adhyyan
About the Bookप्रस्तुत पुस्तक, कश्मीरः कश्मीर समस्या, प्रारंभ से लेकर मिलेनियम की दहलीज तक के क्रमिक..
Kashmir The War Of Narratives
The stereotypical Kashmir narrative runs on a grinding machine of disinformation, half truths and co..
₹396.00 ₹495.00
"Kashmirnama" is a pathbreaking book in Hindi that sheds light on the history of Kashmir. It present..
₹511.00 ₹675.00
Population Exchange: Jinnah Wanted Hijrat for Muslims in India
Population Exchange: Jinnah Wanted Hijrat for all Muslims in India looks into the rationale of the M..
₹476.00 ₹595.00
Portrayal of Conflict and Insurgency In Literature from Kashmir
Portrayal of Conflict and Insurgency in Literature from Kashmir studies the turbulent times of the 1..
Rupture: Stories on the Sorrows of Kashmir
The book recreates a past of Hindus and Muslims living together in Kashmir. The atmosphere of togeth..
The Hindu Muslim Divide: A Fresh Look
Justice Sachar committee has placed Muslims at the lowest rung of India's economic, educational and ..
₹276.00 ₹345.00
The Puritan is Political: Mapping Islamic Radicalism
"The book seeks to discuss and explore the journey of Islam as an ideology from the time of its orig..
₹600.00 ₹750.00
The Seedbed of Pakistan: Cultural Conflicts, Elite Muslim Anxieties and the Congress
Focusing on the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the book argues that Pakistan, as a c..
₹420.00 ₹525.00
The Two Kashmirs: A Comparative Analysis
There has been a steady and incessant campaign by Pakistan against India with effective use of the m..
₹396.00 ₹495.00
Vyathit Jammu Kashmir: The Turbulent Story of Jammu Kashmir by Narender Sehgal (Hindi Edition)
मैं आभारी हूँ उन विद्वान मित्रों का जिन्होंने इस पुस्तक के लिए सामग्री जुटाने में मेरे आग्रह को स्वी..